About the Conference

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Asia Pacific Smart Card Association (APSCA) host the Conference on Technical Cooperation & Capacity Building for Border Management and Identity (BMIC) since 2010. The BMIC, now at its seventh edition, has become the largest gathering of national government authorities specialized in Immigration, Home Affairs, Border Control, Civil Registration, Customs, Population Management, Justice, Health, Public Security and other agencies with responsibilities in the area of Migration, Border and Identity Management.

The conference is an opportunity for stakeholders to share information on new developments and continue to define the border and identity management agenda, in pursuit of the stated objectives. The conference includes an exhibition of the latest solutions and technologies designed to improve facilitation of cross border movements while strengthening national security, to enable government authorities and international partner organizations to advance border and identity management processes.

BMIC6 report now available. Click on the report to learn of the BMIC6 achievements.

Objective and Theme

The conference and exhibition were founded by IOM and APSCA as an initiative to support improvements in border and identity management, with a focus on the Asia Pacific region. The biennial meeting has a specific focus on fostering border and identity governance through closer consultation and cooperation between the key stakeholders in the sphere of identity management, including:

  • Government authorities responsible for border and identity management;
  • International partner organizations and development agencies;
  • Leading providers of identity solutions;
  • Subject matter experts;


11 - 13
December 2024



Exhibition Booths

Agenda     DRAFT

08:00 Welcome and Registration

09:00 Opening Ceremony
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Ms. Laura Scorretti
Senior Regional Immigration and Border Governance Specialist

09:10 Welcome Statement
Government of Thailand
Mr. Rooge Thammongkol
Department of Consular Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

09:20 Welcome Statement/Message
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Ms. Amy Pope

09:30 Introductory Remarks Conference Chairperson

Government of New Zealand
Mr. Dion Chamberlain
Manager, Product Development, Identity and Life Events
Department of Internal Affairs

  European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)
Ms. Anna Polak
Head of the Executive Management Bureau

09:40 Keynote Statement
ASEAN’s DGICM Viet Nam Chair (TBC)

09:50 Official Opening of Exhibition
Asia Pacific Smart Card Association (APSCA)
Mr. Greg Pote

10:00 Refreshment Break and Visiting the Exhibition

11:15 The Future of Identity Management at Airports
International Air Transport Association (IATA )

Ms. Shu Hui Bian
Regional Manager
Operations, Safety and Security (Customer Experience and Facilitation), Asia-Pacific

11:35 A Roadmap for Digital Travel Credentials
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Mr. R Rajeshkumar
Convener – ISO/IEC JTC1 SC17/WG3

11:55 Photomorphing and Its Impact on Border and Identity Management
National Police Directorate, Norway

Ms. Frøy Løvåsdal
Team Identity, Biometrics and Biometric Data, EUIS Programme

12:15 Document and Identity Fraud: Observations from Thailand
Thai Immigration Bureau

Royal Thai Police

12:35 Technology and Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and Impacts on Identity Management
Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy

Mr. Paolo Benanti
Professor and member of the UN High-Level Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence

12:55 Lunch

14:00 Travel Documents for Refugees and Stateless Persons
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Ms. Amanda Stovall
Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Officer
Division of International Protection (DIP)

14:20 National Immigration Administration, People’s Republic of China (TBC)

14:40 Civil Registration and Interoperable Systems
New Caledonia
Mr. Jeff Montgomery (TBC)
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Pacific Community (SPC)

15:00 The Kingdom of the Netherlands Ms. Lisette Looren de Jong
Program Manager Innovation Border Management Ministry of Justice and Security

15:20 Refreshment Break

16:20 BioHub

16:40 The Use of the Public Key Infrastructure
Mr. Benoit Polett
Chief Executive Office

17:00 Technology and Immigration Processes: Human Rights Perspective
University of Essex, United Kingdom)
Ms. Lorna McGregor
Professor of International Human Rights Law in the Law School
Deputy Dean (External Relations) Director of the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project (HRBDT)

17:20 TBC

17:40 End of Day 1

Workshop 1
Credible Evidence of Identity:
Striking a Balance between Trust and Truth

Chair: Ms. Isabelle Moeller
Chief Executive, Biometrics Institute

Workshop 2
Solutions for Interoperable Applications

Chair: Ms. Sarah Zacka
First Secretary (Airline Liaison), Australian Border Force
09:00 Introduction to Workshop 1

Introduction to Workshop 2

09:15 Securing Public Trust in the Use of Biometrics
Mr. Jakob Dam Glynstrup
Head of the Danish National ID Centre, Danish National ID Center
Kingdom of Denmark

The Counter Terrorist Travel Programme
Ms. Christine Bradley
Head of the Countering Terrorist Travel Section, Special Projects and Innovation Branch
United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

09:30 Root Identity: The Roadmap to Standardization of
Breeder Documents and Data

Mr. Stephan Hofstetter
Editor CEN prTS 17489-5, Delegated Expert SNV
European Committee for Standardization -CEN

The EU Data Protection Regime and its Impact on Travel

Mr. Mikko Hakkarainen
Team Leader Document Security & Identity Management, European Commission
Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs
Unit B1- Schengen and External Borders, European Union

09:45 Mr. Christoffer Bonn (TBC)
Chief Technology Officer
Finnish Immigration Service, Finland

The Use of API at Land Borders
Ms. Pascale Mugwaneza (TBC)
IT Director
The Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE), Rwanda

10:00 Veridos

Somapa IT

10:15 Discussion
Chair, Speakers and Participants

Chair, Speakers and Participants

10:30 Refreshment Break

11:30 The Bhutan National Digital Identity Initiative
Mr. Gelay Jamtsho (TBC)
Royal Office of His Majesty the King of Bhutan
Kingdom of Bhutan

The National Traveler Security Centre
Mr. Abdullah Alhatlan
Director General
National Traveler Security Centre
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

11:45 The Digital Identity “Aadhaar” Project
Mr. Sumnesh Joshi (TBC)
Deputy Director General (Joint Secretary level)
Ministry of Communications, Government of India

Use of API/PNR in Indonesia (API/PNR at land)
Indonesia (TBC)

12:00 Discussion
Chair, Speakers and Participants

Chair, Speakers and Participants

12:30 Outcome and Recommendations

Outcome and Recommendations

12:45 Lunch

Workshop 3
Beyond Human Mobility Facilitation at Airports:
Strengthening Border Control at Land and Maritime Frontiers

Chair: Mr. Ross Greenwood
Advisor on Biometric Services

Workshop 4
Information Sharing and International Cooperation:
Overcoming the Boundaries of Border Management Ecosystems

Chair: Mr. David Scott
Co-Manager and Officer-In-Charge
Regional Support Office of the Bali Process

14:00 Introduction to Workshop 3

Introduction to Workshop 4

14:15 Preparedness at Mongolian Land Borders
Mongolia (TBC)

Mutual Security Through Partnerships:
Partnership Agreements to Improve the Efficacy of our Border Management Systems

Lt. Col. Michael Jones
Executive Director
CARICOM IMPACTS, Trinidad and Tobago

14:30 Maritime Domain Awareness and Data Collection for Maritime (API/BRI)
Mr. Kevin Mcanally (TBC)
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Information Sharing Platforms in the Pacific
Mr. Akuila Ratu
Head of the Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) Secretariat

14:45 Infineon


15:00 Discussion
Chair, Speakers and Participants

Chair, Speakers and Participants

15:15 Refreshment Break

16:15 Vessel Monitoring Systems’ Use for Search and
Rescue Operations at Sea

Sri Lanka Ministry of Defense (TBC)
Sri Lanka Department of Fisheries (TBC)

The Global Document Examination Support Center
Mr. Donato Colucci
Head, Border and Identity Solutions
International Organization for Migration (IOM)

16:30 Canadian Approach to Maritime Security
Mr. Olivier St Onge
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Asian Network for Document Examination (ANDEX)
Mr. Jong-Cheol Lee
Director of the Migration Policy Division
Korea Immigration Service
Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

16:45 Ms. Gisela Vieira (TBC)
Acting Head, Maritime Security Section
Maritime Safety Division, IMO


17:00 Discussion
Chair, Speakers and Participants

Chair, Speakers and Participants

17:30 Outcome and Recommendations

Outcome and Recommendations

17:45 End of Day 2

09:10 Opening of Conference Day 3

09:20 Legal Identity in Asia Pacific
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(UNESCAP)

Ms. Tanja Brøndsted Sejersen
Statistician and CRVS Lead, Statistics Division

09:40 Visa-Free: Kenya's Digitalization Experience
Government of Kenya

10:00 The National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan

10:20 Refreshment Break and Visiting the Exhibition

11:20 The Government of Pakistan

11:40 Humanitarian Border Management Operations
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (TBC)

12:00 TBC

12:20 An Outlook at the 2040 Identity Ecosystem
University of Texas (US), Center for Identity

Mr. Fons Knopjes
Fellow at the University of Texas (US) and
member of the board of advisors of Center for Identity

12:40 Lunch

14:00 Report of Workshop 1
Credible Evidence of Identity: Striking a Balance between Trust and Truth
Ms. Isabelle Moeller
Chief Executive
Biometrics Institute

14:15 Report of Workshop 2
API – iAPI/PNR: Solutions for Interoperable Applications
Ms. Sarah Zacka
First Secretary (Airline Liaison)
Australian Border Force

14:30 Report of Workshop 3
Beyond Human Mobility Facilitation at Airports: Strengthening Border Control at Land and Maritime Frontiers

Mr. Ross Greenwood
Advisor on Biometric Services

14:45 Report of Workshop 4
Information Sharing and International Cooperation: Overcoming the Boundaries of Border Management Ecosystems
Mr. David Scott
Co-Manager and Officer-In-Charge
Regional Support Office of the Bali Process

15:00 Closing Ceremony

15:15 End of 6th Border Management and Identity Conference (BMIC)


Click on the photo to see her/his short biography.

Amy E. Pope

Director General
International Organization for Migration (IOM) (TBC)

Chairperson: Dion Chamberlain

Product Development, Identity and Life Events
Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand

Laura Scorretti

Senior Specialist Immigration and Border Governance for Asia and the Pacific

Greg Pote


Donato Colucci

Senior Border&Identity Solutions Specialist
Immigration and Border Management

Isabelle Moeller

Chief Executive
Biometrics Institute

Stephan D. Hofstetter

Editor (CEN) prTS 17489-5; Delegated Expert, Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV)
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Fons Knopjes

Fellow at the University of Texas (US) and member of the board of advisors of Center for Identity

Jakob Dam Glynstrup

Head of the Danish National ID Centre; Chairman of the Biometrics Institute
Danish National ID Center

Paolo Benanti, TOR

Professor at Pontifical Gregorian University; Member of the UN High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence
Pontifical Gregorian University

David Scott

Regional Support Office Co-Manager
The Bali Process, Regional Support Office

Lt. Col. Michael Jones

IMPACS Executive Director

Sumnesh Joshi

Deputy Director General (Joint Secretary level )
Ministry of Communications, Government of India (TBC)

R Rajeshkumar

Convener – ISO/IEC JTC1 SC17/WG3

Christine E. Bradley

Head of the Countering Terrorist Travel Section
United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, Special Projects and Innovation Branch

Tanjia B. Sejersen

UNESCAP Statistics Division

Akuila Ratu

Head of Secretariat
Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC)

Benoit Poletti

Chief Executive Officer
INCERT Public Agency (TBC)

Pascale Mugwaneza

IT Director
The Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE) (TBC)

Lorna McGregor

Professor of International Human Rights Law
Essex Law School - Human Rights Centre

Amanda Stovall

Resettlement and Complementary Pathways Officer
Division of International Protection (DIP), UNHCR

Mikko Hakkarainen

Team Leader, Document Security & Identity Management
European Commission, Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs, Unit B1 – Schengen and External Borders

Frøy Løvåsdal

Team Leader, Identity, Biometrics and Biometric Data, EUIS Programme
National Police Directorate, Norway


Click on the photo to see her/his short biography.

Antonio Vitorino

Director General

Chairperson: Dion Chamberlain

Product Development, Identity and Life Events
Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand

Laura Scorretti

Senior Specialist Immigration and Border Governance for Asia and the Pacific

Donato Colucci

Senior Border&Identity Solutions Specialist
Immigration and Border Management

Greg Pote


Dr. Frank Paul

Member of the European Commission's Support Group for Ukraine
E.U Commission


Director of Operational Response Division

Claudio Kavrecic

Senior Lead Officer - Centre of Excellence for Combating Document Fraud

Fabrizio Di Carlo

Senior Coordinator of Police Data Management
INTERPOL General Secretariat

Paul Cross

Project Portfolio Director
SITA, Sydney practice

Christiane Der Marker

Facilitation Technical Officer

Younkyung (Youn) Kim

Regional Manager, Operations, Safety and Security, Asia-pacific
International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Isabelle Moeller

Chief executive
Biometrics Institute Ltd.

Rocco Messina

Head of the Border Security and Management Unit at the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) within the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

Liudmyla Rabchynska

Former Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation
Government of Ukraine

Nur Amalina Abdul Majit

Senior Registration and Identity Management Officer

Alan Renaud

Principal Secretary for Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine
Seychelles’ Principal Secretary for Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine

Ir. Prof. Raymond Wong

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ross Greenwood

Identity Matters Consulting

Steven Grant, P.Eng.

Director of Business Development and Strategic Alliances for Identity Verification

Fons Knopjes

Senior Research and Development Advisor
National Office for Identity Data

Mate Fejes

Director of Global Sales
APAC - Innovatrics

Corinna Schindler

Global Vice President – Head of Business Line Verification

Matthias Schneider

Segment Marketing Manager
NXP Semiconductors’ secure identification and authentication solutions

Amelia Kotobalavu Komaisavai

Director for the Fijian Immigration department, for the Government of Fiji.
Fijian Immigration department

Haddon Wright

Primary line

Ihar Bayarenka

Vice President, Public Sector Solutions
Industrial Innovation Group LLC

Robiya Ibragimova

General director

Makhosi Simelane

Eswatini Chief Immigration Officer
Eswatini Immigration department

Chathura de Silva

Professor in Computer Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

Dr. Fahad Alharby

Vice President for Scientific Research
Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS)

Stephan D. Hofstetter

IOM expert on biometric solutions

Malachi Bate’e

Chief Resilience Officer, Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change
Disaster Management and Meteorology

Krum Garkov

former Executive Director

Shantha Kulasekara

Head of Migration Governance

Wilhelm Faul

Vice President for South-East Asia
Laxton group

Eric Bultel

Marketing Manager
Identity & eGovernment, STMicroelectronics

Nelson Goncalves

Head of the Legal Identity Unit

Erika Noda

Section Chief of Residency Support Division
Immigration Services Agency, Ministry of Justice, Government of Japan

Vaiko Vaher

Leading Law Enforcement Officer
Estonian Police and Border Guard Board

Arafat Nadim D’Almeida Jumá Zamila

National Director of Civil registry
Ministry of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs

Roman GUTU

Deputy Director of Directorate for Strategic Development and External Assistance
Moldova Border Police


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  • European Union

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Bahrain

  • Bangladesh

  • Cambodia

  • Canada

  • Peoples’ Republic of China

  • Denmark

  • Egypt

  • Estonia

  • Fiji

  • Finland

  • Germany

  • Indonesia

  • Iran

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Kenya

  • Kuwait

  • Lao People's Democratic Republic

  • Malawi

  • Malaysia

  • Mauritius

  • Mongolia

  • Morocco

  • Mozambique

  • Myanmar

  • The Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Nigeria

  • Norway

  • Oman

  • Pakistan

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Republic of Korea

  • Republic of Moldova

  • Romania

  • Rwanda

  • Samoa

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Seychelles

  • Solomon-Islands

  • Sri Lanka

  • Eswatini

  • Switzerland

  • Thailand

  • Timor Leste

  • Tunisia

  • Ukraine

  • United Kingdom

  • United States

  • Vanuatu

  • Vietnam

  • Yemen

  • Zambia

In Partnership With

Photos from Previous Conferences

Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

18th Floor, Rajanakarn Building,
3 South Sathorn Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 343 9414

BMCSecretariat@iom.int    |    #BMIC6